January 30, 2013

After the rain

Rain has fallen at its leisure,
And now the leaves all sparkle
While puddles shine;
Making me wish
That I hadn't thrown out
My broken old wellies.
Someday I shall become
A master of iambic pentameter
And the like,
But for now I must make do
With poetry without rhyme or reason
And photographs.

January 28, 2013

On teacups, mostly

Teacups are lovely little things. Dainty and classically charming, they also make their user appear so as well. How can one not smile while holding such a delicate little handle?

Link here.

The one thing they lack, however, is practicality. I would have to drink at least five cupfuls in a sitting. So my pretty teacups remain in the cupboard, awaiting their next tea party and sighing wistfully as I continue to use more mug-like cups.

The little saucer, by the way, says "Eat Me". Link.

I console myself by imagining that eventually I will be able to use them all the time, on that fine day when my closet becomes immaculately tidy and I learn to play the violin.


In other news, I have been working on crocheting a baby sweater for a friend, whose son shall make an appearance in a few months. All I have left is to sew on the buttons. It's been rather an involved project, and when it is finished photographs shall be taken and displayed accordingly.

January 21, 2013

January 9, 2013

Jam scones

Maura Laverty is my new best friend.

My mother gave me part one (bread and cakes) of her Full and Plenty cookbook for Christmas. Having read through it, I've tried to find parts two and three. Sadly, it seems that the complete edition and the three-part edition are old, and the new ones do not have all of the recipes. Alas.

Anyhow, my first culinary attempt from the book was jam scones.

They turned out rather well, if I do say so myself.

And then my photography school graduate father helped me photograph them. Because, you know, presentation is key.

January 6, 2013

A beginning, of sorts

And so I step out of my virtual door and enter the wide unknown world of Blogging, with nothing to guide me save the blogs I've read and instinct.

So far so good, as I seem to be hitting the correct buttons. (There was a relatively brief bump in the set-up process as I debated whether the flower petal background was too distracting, and eventually decided that less is more. I did make a nice header though.)

A butterfly, or féileacán.

Féileacáin means "butterflies" in Gaelic. I could have called it Butterflies, which would have been simpler, but it wasn't as interesting. So I didn't.

An Cailín means "The Girl". That is me.